What an honor to have received the Versatile Blogger Award!  This is something very truly special – many thanks to Christopher at The Delgrosso Food Blog for his nomination and kind words.

In keeping with the spirit of the award, the rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated me and link back to them in my post.
  2. Share 7 things about myself
  3. Pass the award on to 15 more bloggers that I enjoy
  4. Contact the bloggers I have chosen to let them know that they have been selected!

So here goes!


  1. I didn’t acquire a passion for food until later in life.  My best friend can attest that once I invited her over for lunch (granted, we were 12 years old) and I was convinced that it took eight minutes to cook a hot dog in the microwave.
  2. I have been living in Spain for the past three years, but only recently – within the past month or so – has the light bulb finally switched “on” for the language.
  3. My favorite food is braised chicken feet.
  4. My favorite snack is dried tofu.
  5. Since meeting my husband, I have traveled to two new continents, and camped in the Namibian desert.
  6. The last book I read was Sweet Life in Paris, by David Lebovitz – loved every word of it!
  7. I am a science nerd by day; food lover, wine drinker, and writer by night.


  1. I’ve always loved food, I’ve been told if I saw your mouth moving, I would come up and ask “what are you eating…?”
  2. It’s a secret, but lately, I’ve been on a potato chip binge, and I just can’t stop!  My favorite chips are Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips – Luau BBQ.
  3. I love opening up our home and sharing a nice meal with  friends and family.
  4. My current read is Steve Jobs’ biography.
  5. I love plopping on the couch and watching romantic comedies – even if they’re bad.
  6. Vacations usually revolve around meals and food.  I calculate the total number of meals and plan where to have each one.  Lots of work, but well worth it!
  7. I live in jeans, tees, and flip flops whenever possible!

Our nominations (In no particular order):

  1. Pranee’s Thai Kitchen – Lovely Thai recipes and superb mouthwatering photos
  2. Cooking in Sens – Experiences of an American living abroad and the beautiful recipes that follow
  3. Vogue Vegetarian – Creative, healthy and great vegan recipes
  4. Allison Eats – Great recipes and lovely photos to boot!
  5. Chica Andaluza – Super recipes and fantastic writings from a chica living abroad in Spain
  6. The Plum Palate – Stunning photos and recipes based on local foods to the Pacific Northwest
  7. Masala Art – A great blog from a “butcher, baker, and curry- maker” spending time in Bombay and Kerala
  8. The Urban Baker – Creative and delicious baked goodies wonderfully presented
  9. The Frugal Feeding – A clever site on how to eat well on a frugal budget
  10. The Daily Connoisseur – A wonderful blog about living and breathing French chicness!
  11. Savory Simple – Deliciously fantastic recipes and photos, illustrating a journey from amateur foodie to professional chef
  12. La Tartine Gourmande – A beautiful blog about food styling, photography, and lots of food.
  13. The Lonely Project Wife – A great blog that has a little bit of everything that you’ll find interesting to read
  14. traveldestinationbucketlist – Incredible journeys, super photos, and the inspiration to make your own adventure “bucket list”
  15. The Pleasure Monger – Wonderful baked treats, insightful writings, and oh, the photos!

Thanks & Enjoy!